Avallone P. (a cura di), Il credito. Fiducia, solidarietà, cittadinanza (secc. XIV-XIX)


Open Source

417 pp.

This special issue hosts the contributions of young scholarship holders and some teachers who, in 2017, discussed their research at the fourth seminar of doctoral studies Storia ed economia nei paesi del Mediterraneo. This scientific meeting was organised by the CNR Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo, in collaboration with various Italian and foreign institutions, and dedicated specifically to Il credito. Fiducia, solidarietà, cittadinanza (secc. XIV-XIX). At the heart of this scientific meeting were the new solidarity mechanisms which, between the central Middle Ages and the early Modern Age, aimed at reintegrating into the productive system of those who had been pushed into poverty. Mechanisms of solidarity which could also develop into complex economic systems and even into more advanced credit practices. The above-mentioned seminar was one of the events organised as part of the PRIN project of Italian national interest Alle origini del welfare (XIII-XVI secolo). Radici medievali e moderne della cultura europea dell’assistenza e delle forme di protezione sociale e credito solidale, which was aimed at researching the origins of modern welfare in the past, starting from the Middle Ages. (From the Introduction).

The booklet also includes a review by Maria Cristina Rossi of a book dedicated to the medieval frescoes of Campania.